Thursday 15 August 2013

Overdue update.

It has been a very long time since I updated this and I have decided that it is time to not only update this blog, but also overhaul it completely. During the next few weeks this blog will see more work posted up and a change of appearance and layout. I am also in the process of creating a separate space that will focus on my experience with games that I have managed to get around to playing in between completing my degree. It is something that I wish to have as an alternate way of practising writing as well as being a bit of fun as playing games is the reason for me pursuing this journey to create them in the first place.  This year has been an exceptional yea thus far for games, and with new consoles arriving at the end of the year it can only get even better. Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming changes.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Summer of drawing

Been a while since I updated this so I thought I would upload some drawings that I have done over the course of the summer. More to come soon.

Green Goblin
Doctor Doom

Captain America
Spider - Man
Iron Man

Monday 7 May 2012

Work In Progress

Like the cowboy I posted up in the previous post I have went back and added colour to the cow-cowboy character (the villain). I will more than likely go back and edit him, this is a work in progress of him so far.

                                                            Original drawing (2011)

                                                                   Added colour using Photoshop

Wednesday 2 May 2012

In the beginning...

Okay, so first post. I was toying with a concept piece that I drew back in my second year. I was really influenced by Edmund McMillen and Tommy Refenes (Super Meat Boy). The character was used in a 2D space shooter in the vein of Earthworm Jim/Contra featuring an alcohilic cowboy. I wanted to make it really stupid and over-the-top. The original drawing is over a year old. Recently added colour to the image.

Below is the coloured version of the cowboy. I coloured him in using Adobe Photoshop and a Bamboo drawing tablet.